Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

I forgot to post this yesterday!


Monday Cheesy Potato Skins with avacado and tomato salad

Tuesday Pasta Bake From "101 Cookbooks"

Wednesday Fish cakes (Scroll to the bottom. The whole book is on this link, worth a look) 

Thursday Tomato & Lentil Soup 

Friday Easy Fried Rice   From "Planning With Kids"

Saturday Out

Sunday  Tuscan-Style Beans with Garlic Crust (Slow Cooker)


A new month, so I'm trying some new recipes. The first one is fishcakes. I'm veggie so avoid cooking meat/fish at all costs gererally, but find that as the children get bigger they want more meat/fish in their diet. This recipe looks fairly easy and "hands-off" so suits me! Second new recipe is the fried rice. I used to do a similar one to this ages ago until Isaac refused to eat it, so we'll try again, fingers crossed.


Caroline said...

Hey - nice to 'see' you Nicki over on my blog :) Love your daughter's ATC cards and love the idea too :) Yum to the menu! Stop by again soon - I've added and updated the links to your blog :)

discodots said...

Thanks for stopping by Caroline. I'm afraid I'm not good at leaving comments, with over 100 feeds on my reader I am usually weeks behind!