Sunday, March 01, 2009

Kid's ATC Swap - Update



Originally uploaded by _zeospike

Here, as promised are the cards Emily has done for the Kids ATC Swap. She mainly used artist's inks, wet-on-wet, but also some watercolours and felt-tip pens on some.

Her favourite is the Jellyfish.


[caption id="attachment_847" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Jellyfish"]Jellyfish[/caption]


I can't decide Between the snake or the Killer Whale. 

Killer Whale





[caption id="attachment_849" align="alignleft" width="128" caption="Deer"]Deer[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_850" align="alignleft" width="128" caption="Sheep"]Sheep[/caption]






The cards are now on their way to their new owners and Emily awaits hers with much excitement!

Many thanks to Blair and Erin for organising this, it has been a lot of fun.


Ellen said...

I love that sheep! We joined the ATC swap too - very fun. I hope we can participate again. My children are watching for the mail every day.

discodots said...

Thanks Ellen, my dd is thrilled you like her sheep! The ATC is a great idea and my dd is running to the post everyday too.

Dagmar said...

--- The jellyfish underwater scene is great, too (I just commented on the sheep on flickr!)!